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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Heart Symbol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Heart Symbol - Essay Example As a strict image, it involves a ground-breaking pull to communicate and pass on a message to the onlooker the enormity of God’s love for his kids. In the Christian religion, the image of the Sacred Heart represents the three sets of three; confidence, expectation and good cause. It passes on four extraordinary messages; God’s development towards mankind through Jesus’ unadulterated heart, the development of the human hearts toward God, the association of human heart with God, and the alliance of human hearts in holy fellowship and fraternity. Old Egyptians called the heart image Ieb (â€Å"Heart†), trusting it was the focal point of all cognizance, the focal point of life itself. The heart religion is additionally utilized as a symbol in different religions like Buddhism, Islam, Taoism and so on. For the most part, the heart was delineated and comprehended as the focal point of a human’s being and awareness. In progressively practical delineations of the human heart however, sullen messages of death and brutality are passed on, which is as opposed to the standard messages related with the emblematic heart. Irregular introductions of the heart image likewise exist. For instance, individuals from Sweden partner the heart image to bathrooms or toilets and crap. The heart image has developed from being strict symbols. The heart image has likewise advanced in its utilization of slang language, the slang articulation â€Å"I â™ ¥ U†(I love you or I heart you) is picking up prevalence today in communicating adoration or fondness with every so often a ramifications that the inclination is shallow or youthful. The motto I NY (I love New York), is a notable pop-style symbol that legitimately advances the urban pride of New York. Regardless of how the heart image is delineated or outlined, its effect and force on religion and contemporary perspectives is irrefutable. A concise gander at a heart image brings an undeniable text of friendship, totaling to adore. For that, it is ceaselessly utilized after some time, gradually developing and taking various structures, carrying with them new thoughts. Rundown of References Images 20:18. Online Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms. 7 May 2006.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Shoplifting and Its Effect on Society Free Essays
Shoplifting and its impact on society. Shoplifting appears to be a harmless wrongdoing, yet the harms caused are a long way from minor. I myself was as of late discovered shoplifting, and now I have to pay for the outcomes of my wrongdoing. We will compose a custom article test on Shoplifting and Its Effect on Society or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now There are numerous reasons why individuals shoplift, it very well may be an over the top impulse issue (OCD) right to a challenge from a companion, whichever way Shoplifting doesn't just influence the individual, however it additionally influences the network, the retailer, and the purchaser. Shoplifting influences me as well as my family too. I feel humiliated and useless yet in the event that I felt like that. â€Å"Why did I do it in any case? †Because shoplifting is enticing, the shoplifter thinks they’re getting the item for nothing. In any case, in all actuality somebody needs to pay for our misstep, in this way value rises and the network needs to pay. Also, a few stores could even fail as a result of shoplifting. It is out of line to individuals who don't shoplift to pay for the errors that shoplifters make. Individuals in the network who are not as well off as others make some harder memories paying for their food and needs, and when they believe they can’t manage the cost of going through an excess of cash at a specific retail location they should go to another goal to shop, causing an extraordinary inconvience to them and furthermore the retail location will lose cash and may really shut down later on. We likewise endure on an individual level, when a worker who understands a thing has been taken from their store. They regularly feel disregarded, and when they feel damaged it makes them lose trust in others. So store worker follow potential vendors, keeping a close eye on them, making potential dealers uncomfortable and blameworthy when they are guiltless. As there is no ‘look’ of a shoplifter, its absolutely impossible to distinguish whether an individual will shoplift or not. Also, along these lines trust is lost between the shipper and the retailer. Bringing about an awkward situation to shop in. Just around three percent of shoplifters are experts. The remainder of the shoplifters, shoplift as a reaction to encountering worry in their own lives. I myself am an outsider from Singapore I simply moved to Canada a year ago and a great deal has occurred from that point forward. I endure being poor and unsuitable for a year, so â€Å"why did I shoplift? †part of me accepts that it is on the grounds that I’m poor and I simply needed something, however part of me accepts that it likewise due to what I’m experiencing a great deal of pressure and I feel discouraged on occasion. Its like I have to top off an opening in me. I figured shoplifting would cause me to feel better however truly you will lose all self-assurance in yourself. You become much increasingly discouraged and passionate you begin to feel as though you don’t merit a ton of things, or that others are superior to you. Shoplifting has separated numerous families and companions, the doubt and the failure they have when they see you will devour you and soon you yourself will change. I was blessed that my mom was understanding and offered to get me out of my downturn. She did conceded her mistake in me yet she revealed to me I am as yet a decent individual. That made me understood that as an individual we have a place with a network, and we make up what the network will turn out to be, every one of us assume a job to become somebody greater than themselves. At the point when somebody does well another will likewise need to progress admirably. We could begin by accomplishing network work and chipping in at places that need our assistance. Helping other people can indeed cause you to feel better about yourself, shoplifting will just make that vacant inclination more profound as you begin to feel regretful and useless that others are better than you for not shoplifting. You’ll feel like the trouble maker. These days individuals shoplift, however take and con others of their cash this is on the grounds that individuals who becomes cheats generally begins as shoplifters at a youthful age. Shoplifting when youthful can regularly prompt turning out to be cheats and burglars later on. Truth be told 90% of convicts conceded that they have shoplifted before in their adolescent years or more youthful. Insights shows that there is a normal of twenty-7,000,000 shoplifters in the United States of America alone, which compares to one individual in eleven, and just ten million have been gotten inside the previous five years. Children make up twenty-five percent of shoplifter; grown-ups, seventy-five percent. Individuals have been doing this for quite a while in light of the fact that fifty-five percent of grown-ups guarantee they started to shoplift as young people, and when solicited, seventy-three percent of grown-ups and seventy-two percent of adolescents don't plan to shoplift, it only a demonstration of motivation. And furthermore, a shocking eighty-nine percent of children state they are aware of different children who shoplift and sixty-six percent state they partner with them. Furthermore, just three percent of shoplifters are experts, however they make up 10 percent of the thing they sell. Some much in the wake of being trapped in the demonstration, fifty-seven percent of grown-ups and thirty-three percent of adolescents state it is hard to stop considerably in the wake of being gotten. Propensities are difficult to break, shoplifting turns into a dependence and you attempt to stop yet you just can’t. Furthermore, when you arrive at that point measurements show that constant shoplifters take in any event two times each week. So when I got captured on my first time I’m thankful for it, for without it I may have gotten dependent on shoplifting or more awful needed to make it my expert vocation. Shoplifting is unlawful and is a culpable wrongdoing by law. It's anything but a little wrongdoing whether you took fifty dollars worth of things or ten dollars worth of things. The wrongdoing is a similar you have shoplifted from the store, and taken something that doesn’t have a place with you. For instance, you can be captured and marched through a store in cuffs, prohibited from stores or shopping centers, and you may even wind up with a criminal record. On the off chance that you get a criminal record particularly when you are youngsters will treat you like an ex-convict, it’ll be more enthusiastically to find a new line of work, get into school, or whatever else that need a criminal personal investigation. Which is for the most part everything. Shoplifting can demolish your life yet recall even without getting captured can shoplifting additionally destroy your life, as I have just expressed that shoplifting influences you genuinely something very similar applies here you lose your sense of pride and your regard for other people. Little wrongdoing doesn’t mean no wrongdoing. Responsibilty for your family, companions and the individuals encompassing you, there are individuals that look into, as you’re their good example. I myself have kin and I trust especially they don’t emulate my example; I have done nothing that would make individuals lose their confidence and regard in me. It is my responsibilty to set a decent good example for my more youthful kin. Additionally you as an individual have an obligation as a civilent to be a decent good example to the network. Never believe that there is nobody watching you, there is consistently somebody watching and admiring you in regard if you’ve done the correct things. Regard is something you gain not given. By shoplifting you are straightforwardly affronting the network and in spite of the fact that you may not see now, however you are additionally slighting yourself. At the point when you shoplift you are disregarding the network by Instructions to refer to Shoplifting and Its Effect on Society, Essay models
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
An MIT FAQ Recently, in my wanderings around the internet (that is to say, the College Confidential message boards), Ive noticed an abundance of ridiculous stereotypes about MIT and MIT students. Im a little touchy about things like this, but my boyfriend is trying to make me into a better person and keeps telling me to find the good. I decided to find the good in blatant stereotyping by creating this FAQ. Q. Are all MIT students typical nerds? A. Definitely not. Many of us are very atypical nerds. Q. No, seriously. I bet you all go to Star Trek conventions all the time. Do you know how to talk about anything but science? A. Well, most of us dont. But so what if we did? There are worse things to be. But anyway, MIT is host to a wide variety of versions of campus life from the typical (intramural sports) to the only at MIT (hacks). Check out our list of student groups. Were a collection of 4000 unique people with abnormal interests, and were proud of to be a little offbeat. Around here, nerd isnt an epithet. Q. (related to previous) Do you spend all your time studying? A. If we spent all our time studying, how would we have time to be in all those student groups? Q. MIT has sports teams? A. Um, yeah. MIT has 41 varsity sports teams (tied with some school up the street, Ive heard, for the most in the nation) and 35 club sports teams, plus a thriving intramural sports and physical education program. Q. Doesnt MIT have a really high suicide rate? A. Statistically speaking (which is really the only way one can speak about this sort of thing), no. The MIT student suicide rate is consistent with the national average for 18 to 22-year-olds any analysis which suggests otherwise fails to properly account for the extremely small sample size. Q. I dont need good extracurriculars to apply to MIT MIT only admits people with perfect test scores, right? A. Actually, youd be better off applying with decent test scores and stellar extracurriculars than with perfect test scores and mediocre extracurriculars. MIT likes to admit people, not cardboard cutouts. Q. I heard MIT is super-competitive and cutthroat. A. Actually, MIT is a very collaborative place, and its normal (and expected) that students will work together in groups to complete their problem sets. MIT is hard for everyone, and the difficulty inspires a great deal of cameraderie among students. Were all here in the trenches together Q. If I apply to MIT and tell them Im going to be a humanities major, wont it be easier for me to get in? A. Nope. Wouldnt that be a little too easy? The major you write down on your application might help the admissions committee understand why youre applying to MIT, but they wont admit you just because they want to admit a music major this year. Q. Im not a super-genius. Can I still survive at MIT? A. With the grueling coursework every MIT student has to complete, its often better to be hard-working than brilliant. Being brilliant helps, Im sure, but passion and motivation are the real necessities. Q. Isnt MITs campus really ugly? A. Ive heard this one a lot, and I still dont understand it. I mean, MIT has an urban campus, so we dont have the plethora of quads typical of the more suburban campuses, but I still think Killian Court is beautiful. Who cares if a campus is beautiful anyway? Last time I checked, college was about learning, not foliage. Q. You guys are all nerds. A. Thank you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Collection of Classic Christmas Poems
Classic Christmas poems are a joy to read during the holiday season. They offer a glimpse into how Christmas was celebrated in the decades and centuries of the past. It is likely true that some of these poems have shaped how we view and celebrate Christmas today. As you snuggle beneath the Christmas tree or before the fire, browse some of the poems gathered here for your holiday reading and reflection. They may inspire you to add new traditions to your celebration or even to take up your own pen or keyboard to compose your own verses. Christmas Poems from the 17th Century The traditions of the Christmas season in the 17th century combined the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus with baptized versions of pagan solstice revelries. The Puritans tried to rein it in, even to the extent of banning Christmas. But the poems from these times tell of holly, ivy, the Yule log, mince pie, wassail, feasting, and merriment. William Shakespeare, Lines spoken after the ghost’s exit from Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 1 (1603)George Wither,â€Å"A Christmas Carol†(1622)Robert Herrick,â€Å"Ceremonies for Christmas†(1648)Henry Vaughan,â€Å"The True Christmas†(1678) Christmas Poems from the 18th Century This century saw political revolutions and the Industrial Revolution. From the bucolic list of gifts of fowl in The Twelve Days of Christmas, there is a transition to more somber issues of war and strife in Coleridges A Christmas Carol. Anonymous,â€Å"The Twelve Days of Christmas†(1780)Samuel Taylor Coleridge,â€Å"A Christmas Carol†(1799) Christmas Poems from the 19th Century St. Nicholas and Santa Claus became popular in the United States in the 19th Century and A Visit from St. Nicholas popularized the elements of nocturnal rounds of gift giving. The poem helped crystallize the image of a chubby Santa Claus with a sleigh and reindeer and arrival on the roof and down the chimney. But the century also has Longfellows lament about the Civil War and how the hope of peace can survive harsh reality. Meanwhile, Sir Walter Scott reflects on the holiday as celebrated by a baron in Scotland. Sir Walter Scott, â€Å"Christmas in the Olden Time†(from Marmion, 1808)Clement Clark Moore (attributed to himâ€â€but more probably written by Major Henry Livingston, Jr.),â€Å"A Visit from St. Nicholas†(first published in 1823, likely written in 1808)Emily Dickinson,â€Å"’Twas just this time last year I died†(#445)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,â€Å"Christmas Bells†(1864)Christina Rossetti,â€Å"In the Bleak Midwinter†(1872)Robert Louis Stevenson,â€Å"Christmas at Sea†(1888) Christmas Poems of the Early 20th Century These poems are ones worth setting aside some time to muse over their meanings and lessons. Did the oxen kneel at the manger? Who gave the poet an unseen kiss under the mistletoe? What is the worth of a field of trees if not to be cut down for Christmas trees? What brought the Magi and other visitors to the manger? Christmas can be a time for contemplation. G.K. Chesterton,â€Å"A Christmas Carol†(1900)Sara Teasdale,â€Å"Christmas Carol†(1911)Walter de la Mare,â€Å"Mistletoe†(1913)Thomas Hardy,â€Å"The Oxen†(1915)William Butler Yeats,â€Å"The Magi†(1916)Robert Frost, â€Å"Christmas Trees†(1920)
Monday, May 11, 2020
Essay on Salvation on Sand Mountain by Dennis Covington
Dennis Covington writes about a unique method of worshipâ€â€snake handling, in his memoir, Salvation on Sand Mountain. He begins as a journalist, looking in on this foreign way of life; however, as time progresses he increasing starts to feel a part of this lifestyle. As a result loses his journalistic approach, resulting in his memoir, detailing his own spiritual journey. Upon the conclusion of his stay in this world, Covington realizes the significance of this journey, and argues in his memoir that we cannot entirely know ourselves until we step outside of our comfort zone and separate ourselves from our norm. It is almost as if Covington was in a dream or some sort of trance throughout this whole experience. He begins as a†¦show more content†¦Allowing himself to be pulled into this world says a lot about the author’s character: it is almost as if he is vulnerable, and this vulnerability in some cases can be seen as a weakness. However, this vulnerable act all owed him to find himself and strengthen his previous beliefs and attitude. According to Aristotle, authors have an ethical obligation to have a strong ethos: this entails authors to have intelligence, rectitude, and goodwill, and Covington expresses this throughout his entire memoir. Even though, at the beginning he does not understand their behavior, and after he is embarrassed and virtually kicked out of the society, he is able to write the truth about the handlers with the utmost respect. Yes, he exposes many aspects of the handlers’ lives, but he does so in a respectful and journalistic manner: it is clear that the information he divulges is essential to the reader understanding the true meaning of his argument. The author does not purposely try to portray these people in the best light possible, but rather the most ingenuous way. He demonstrates his goodwill by remaining impartial during most of the memoir: occasionally he allows his emotions to effect his depiction of t he characters; however, this is almost impossible to achieve, because he interacted with these people and was reacting to certain situations. Covington writes this memoir for many reasons: he writes in order publicize this exclusiveShow MoreRelated Reflecting on Religion in Literature1925 Words  | 8 Pagesto use all three to form an overall definition of religion based on the work we have done throughout the semester. The three books that I am referring to are Ann Schiller’s Small Sacrifices, Rane Willerslev’s Soul Hunters, and Dennis Covington’s Salvation on Sand Mountain. Ann Schiller’s Small Sacrifices explores religious change among the Ngaju in Borneo, Indonesia. She elaborates on the Indonesian government’s demand on the Ngaju to conform to one of the religions they deem acceptable. In conformingRead MoreSnake Handling, a Pentecostal Pastime Essay1256 Words  | 6 Pagescrazy, and the list goes on and on. However, one of the negative stereotypes that tend to stick out more prominently than others is that people in Appalachian folk are crazy, serpent handling, Christians. In order for the people of the Appalachian Mountain region to figure out a way to get over this stereotype and move forward in their quest to be no longer considered â€Å"outdated†, they must first break down and fully understand what they are going up against. The region’s religion is characterizedRead MoreIn Dennis Covington’S Book Salvation On Sand Mountain And2612 Words  | 11 Pages In Dennis Covington’s book Salvation on Sand Mountain and David Haberman’s Journey Through the Twelve Forests: An Encounter with Krishna, we get two very different experiences of researches stepping into a world of different religion and perspectives than their own. While both Haberman and Covington focus on a certain religion and the traditions of its followers, Haberman does a better job with presenting an accurate representation of Hinduism and the Braj pilgrimage. This is because Covington’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Swot Matrix for Starbucks Free Essays
SWOT matrixkey success factors for star bucksStarbucks has a strong brand name and its known international. Starbucks was the first coffee shop whereby high quality coffee and products at accessible locationsand affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience| Strengths: * Brand recognition * High quality coffee * Business ethics * Location they are located everywhere| Weakness * Competition a lot of coffee shops are offer coffee at a lower price. * Overexposure star bucks Is obsolete according to some consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Matrix for Starbucks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Too many products * Not enough marketing | Opportunity * Business leaders * New strategy * Expand franchise| Threat * Recession * Mc-cafe offers lattes and cafes at very cheap price with the same quality. * PLC is at declining stage. | 2. Generic strategy pursued at starbucks: Differentiation strategy Differentiation strategy star bucks offers high quality coffee that you cant find at other coffee shops. Starbucks spends minimal cost on marketing although they have great market share due to the product differentiation star bucks has a unique line coffee shops so advertising is through a method called word of mouth. Their core competencies can be defined as high quality coffee and products at accessible locations and affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience, and variety of choices. They also value ethics and good business practices. Starbucks provide a high quality coffee and unique experience in the convenience of a large volume of locations, which separates them from their competition ,the new instant coffee line is straddling differentiation and low cost- leadership. While it will be a low cost and convenient alternative to Starbucks regular coffee, it is still unique from other products in the market. The in-store gifts and brewing utensils are in the focused differentiation category as they cater to the coffee lover, and are unique items found only in the Starbucksstores. 3. strategic direction pursued by star bucks? Starbucks new strategy is to refocus on some of the areas that decrease risk and up front investment. Franchising, expanding products and selling at convenient stores not just coffee shops. This includes expanding foreign stores, with aid of partnerships that share risk and costs, selling whether its instant coffee and other products in retail and convenience stores, and reinvigorating the Seattle’s Best Brand coffee. 4. I would pursue cost differentiation since star bucks is already I would add a few new bistro’s or pastries or offer special deals that wouldn’t harm my profit margin but gain more market share. Starbucks doesn’t focus on marketing since the brand is already famous so by offering new flavors of coffee, pastries and beverages would attract attention. How to cite Swot Matrix for Starbucks, Papers Swot Matrix for Starbucks Free Essays SWOT matrixkey success factors for star bucksStarbucks has a strong brand name and its known international. Starbucks was the first coffee shop whereby high quality coffee and products at accessible locationsand affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience| Strengths: * Brand recognition * High quality coffee * Business ethics * Location they are located everywhere| Weakness * Competition a lot of coffee shops are offer coffee at a lower price. * Overexposure star bucks Is obsolete according to some consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Matrix for Starbucks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Too many products * Not enough marketing | Opportunity * Business leaders * New strategy * Expand franchise| Threat * Recession * Mc-cafe offers lattes and cafes at very cheap price with the same quality. * PLC is at declining stage. | 2. Generic strategy pursued at starbucks: Differentiation strategy Differentiation strategy star bucks offers high quality coffee that you cant find at other coffee shops. Starbucks spends minimal cost on marketing although they have great market share due to the product differentiation star bucks has a unique line coffee shops so advertising is through a method called word of mouth. Their core competencies can be defined as high quality coffee and products at accessible locations and affordable prices, provided a community to share in the coffee drinking experience, and variety of choices. They also value ethics and good business practices. Starbucks provide a high quality coffee and unique experience in the convenience of a large volume of locations, which separates them from their competition ,the new instant coffee line is straddling differentiation and low cost- leadership. While it will be a low cost and convenient alternative to Starbucks regular coffee, it is still unique from other products in the market. The in-store gifts and brewing utensils are in the focused differentiation category as they cater to the coffee lover, and are unique items found only in the Starbucksstores. 3. strategic direction pursued by star bucks? Starbucks new strategy is to refocus on some of the areas that decrease risk and up front investment. Franchising, expanding products and selling at convenient stores not just coffee shops. This includes expanding foreign stores, with aid of partnerships that share risk and costs, selling whether its instant coffee and other products in retail and convenience stores, and reinvigorating the Seattle’s Best Brand coffee. 4. I would pursue cost differentiation since star bucks is already I would add a few new bistro’s or pastries or offer special deals that wouldn’t harm my profit margin but gain more market share. Starbucks doesn’t focus on marketing since the brand is already famous so by offering new flavors of coffee, pastries and beverages would attract attention. How to cite Swot Matrix for Starbucks, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
What Are the Social Factors That Influence Interpersonal Attraction free essay sample
What are the social factors that influence interpersonal attraction? Discuss in relation to relevant psychological theories and studies Interpersonal relationships are the close relationships we form with others around us. They range from close romantic relationships up to more casual relationships such as acquaintances or university peers. There are numerous numbers of social factors that may lead to interpersonal attraction such as proximity, physical attractiveness, similarity and reciprocity. There are also numerous theories into attraction and how humans form interpersonal relationships. Proximity or being close to a person has a big influence on our choice of friends or romantic partners, previous research suggests that the nearer we are to someone the more likely we are to have some sort of interpersonal relationship with them. Festinger, Schachter and Black (1950) found that two-thirds of married graduate students close friends had once lived in the same block of flats as them. Suggesting that the proximity of the graduate students had led them to develop an interpersonal relationship with each other. We will write a custom essay sample on What Are the Social Factors That Influence Interpersonal Attraction? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Physical attractiveness is also a factor that determines whether or not an individual will form an interpersonal relationship with another person. The first thing one notices about a stranger is their physical appearance. This can include factors such as how they have their hair, their dress sense, if they are well kept or not. There is a general consensus on what is seen as being attractive in society, such as women with baby like faces are seen as attractive (Cunningham 1990), however there are obvious individual differences in what someone finds attractive. Socially people who are physically attractive are perceived as being popular, intelligent, and honest. In a study by Sigall Ostrove (1975) attractive women were given more lenient court sentences when being prosecuted for a crime which was not related to their attractiveness. However if the crime was related to their attractiveness then they were given harsher sentences. In a further study by Landy Sigall (1974) essays with an attractive photograph attached to them received a higher grade in comparison to those that had less attractive photographs attached to them. Also evolution plays a part in how physically attractive we may find someone, women who look healthy are seen as physically attractive with rosy cheeks, child bearing hips and glowing skin. Men who seem to be financially stable are also seen as physically attractive. These are factors that are involved in evolution hence why they lead to being physically attracted to another person. Another factor into physical attractiveness was contributed by Singh (1993), the waist to hip ratio is seen as a sign of health and fertility in women and men. Women should have a waist to hip ratio of about 0. , whilst men should have a waist to hip ratio of 0. 9 these indicate signs of optimal health in both men and women. Singh stated that the most attractive part of a woman is her waist to hip ratio. As stated above we are attracted to signs of health and fertility in our partners, and having a healthy waist to hip ratio is a good indicator of this. However there are significant cultural differences in what waist to hip ratio should be. In some cultures especially those in Europe find a waist to hip ratio of 0. 7 is attractive, whereas in some African or South American cultures a waist to hip ratio of 0. is seen as attractive. A further limitation of this theory is that people tend to look at the body weight of a person instead of focusing on just their waist to hip ratio as body weight is obviously a better indicator of how healthy a person appears. Similarity is another factor that can lead to interpersonal attraction. People with similar personalities are more likely to become involved in a relationship. However this is not always the case Winch (1958) found that in relationships couples who were dissimilar tended to have happier relationships. Similar attitudes also play an important role in interpersonal attraction, people with similar attitudes tend to be attracted to each other. In a study carried out by Byrne (1971) found that strangers with similar attitudes to participants were rated as being more physically attractive in comparison to participants which had dissimilar attitudes. Another factor in interpersonal attraction is Reciprocity, this is the tendency to be attracted to people who like us and tend to be less attracted to those individuals that dislike us. In a study carried out by Dittes Kelley (1956) the findings show that participants conformed more when told ‘other group members like you’ in comparison when told ‘other group members dislike you’. People who have the tendency to have low self-esteem or are highly insecure concerning interpersonal relationships have a greater need for positive feedback from others around them, in order to form close interpersonal relationships. As well as the social factors that lead to interpersonal relationships there are a number of different theories that also account for the formation of interpersonal relationships. The matching hypothesis by Walster et al (1966) is such a theory. In the study a computer dance was organised in which the participants were randomly allocated to partners. Midway during the dance the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding the view of their partners. The views were recorded and compared to judges views of the physical attractiveness of the participants. The participants rated as most physically attracted were liked most by their partners, however after six months participants stated they would have dated someone similar to their own level of physical attractiveness. Walster et al. ’s findings show that humans are initially attracted to people who are perceived as being ‘beautiful or handsome’, after we realise that the person is not on the same level as attractiveness as us we tend to look for someone on our own level. Hence the name ‘Matching Hypothesis’ as we try to form interpersonal relationships with people who match our own level of physical attractiveness. However this theory does not account for other social factors that can also influence our decision in forming an interpersonal relationship. Relationships do tend to occur between people of different levels of attractiveness, they may have got to know each other through proximity or similarity or other social factors. Theories into reinforcement also provide a great insight into the formation if interpersonal relationships. The reinforcement-effect model by Byrne Clore (1970), this model is heavily influenced by Pavlovian conditioning. This model states that we are attracted to people that invoke positive feelings in us through offering us rewards or praise. This is seen as positive reinforcement and we are more likely to want to gain this positive reinforcement throughout the relationship. We identify the stimuli as either being a reward or a punishment and try to seek the rewarding behaviour and try to avoid the punishing behaviour. These positive feelings are also associated with the praise or rewards given. Leading to these positive rewards being associated with that person, so when we are with that person we attribute these positive rewards to being with them. People can either be liked or disliked according to whether they are associated with the positive feelings or the negative feelings. The Social exchange theory is another theory into the formation of interpersonal relationships. This model was founded by Homans (1961). The model states that in an interpersonal relationships negotiations must be made and we are more likely to engage in a relationship with another person if that relationship maximises our benefits and minimises are costs. Whether we are attracted to another t-person is determined by how much effort we must put into the relationship acting as the cost in comparison to how much we gain from the relationship acting as the benefit or reward. If a relationship is high in cost but low in reward we are less likely to form a close interpersonal relationship with that person as we are not maximising our benefit or rewards. We try to see what the other person can offer us in the relationship that we can gain from and what we can give them to gain from. The actions of the people involved in the relationship highly effect the outcome of whether the relationship will have a good cost-reward ratio, if it seems beneficial for both people involved an interpersonal relationship may be formed on this basis. The social exchange theory was further analysed by Foa Foa (1975) in which they state that in a relationship certain goods must be exchanged for the relationship to seem beneficial for both people involved. The ‘goods’ that can be exchanged take many forms such as objects or products, advice, love or other affections, money or wealth and higher social status. All these offer rewards. We as humans always try to minimise our costs and maximise our profits and the same goes for forming relationships, if the benefit is not high for us we tend to not indulge in the relationship any further. Overall it is clear to see that social factors have a clear influence on the formation of interpersonal relationships. These factors such as proximity, reciprocity and similarity do have great influence on the decision to enter and form an interpersonal relationship with another person. Social factors account for some of the reasons why and how interpersonal relationships are formed but social factors do not account for the reason on a whole. There are many other underlying factors that also carry great influence when forming such a relationship. The social factors tend to work in conjunction with one another and aid each other in the process of forming an interpersonal relationship, but there are also other theories that state other factors are also just as important as the social factors. The social exchange theory as stated above suggests that humans try to gain maximum rewards out of their relationship whilst minimising the cost. Other theories tend to take a less calculated approach such as the reinforcement affect model, this model suggests that instead of physical rewards we want to form interpersonal relationships with people associated with positive feelings or people that remind us of a positive memory. We want these positive rewards to be reinforced hence the formation of a close relationship. We tend to dislike people who evoke negative feelings or people that reinforce punishments. The matching hypothesis is a further example of factors that account for the formation of an interpersonal relationship, Walster et al. (1966) found that we are more likely to form a close relationship with someone that matches our own level of physical attractiveness, hence the name ‘Matching hypothesis’. All in all it is evident that there are numerous factors that can cause the formation of interpersonal relationships, social factors are very influential and play a big role but essentially there are other underlying factors that must also be accounted for. It is fair to say that social factors highly contribute to the formation of interpersonal relationships but there are also other factors that must be taken into consideration. However it is clear that social factors are underlying in most of the theories and studies into the formation if interpersonal relationships.
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